Designers and manufacturers spend a lot of time and effort to create great looking labels to attach on their garments and the last thing they want to hear is customer complaining about the labels being scratchy and irritating the skin. 

What customers end up doing in these situations is more often than not to cut-off the labels from the clothes which, let's be honest, it's bad for everyone - consumers and brand owners included. On one side, by doing so consumers might be inadvertently removing important wash care instruction and at the same time damaging their garment. On the other side, brand owners certainly do not want their products to be seen around without labels attached.

To minimize such problems, there are few things that you should also take into consideration when developing your custom woven label. Let's go through them together:



As we have explained in a previous blog post woven labels are traditionally made of 100% polyester threads. Those polyester threads can be distinguished into: Taffeta, Satin and Damask.

The type of threads choosen to weave your label can have an impact - albeit minor - on how soft and smooth your label will be.

Taffeta woven labels, the cheapest among all, is also the thickest polyester thread. This can cause the labels to be a bit more "bulky" and sometimes uncomfortable - especially if they are cut directly from the weaving machine as we will discuss in point 3 - when they are pressed against the skin (especially the neck).

Satin and Damask woven labels use much thinner threads that are unlikely to cause any skin irritation nor itchy feeling. 

Woven labels can also be made out of cotton. This is by far the softest (and most expesive!) solution if you want to have a great looking and "gentle" label on your garment.



This point is quite intuitive: the bigger the label the higher the likelihood it is going to be felt when wearing your clothes. The KISS principle (Keept It Simple, Stupid) works also when designing woven labels. Try to keep your woven label artwok simple, clear and straight to the point and you will have a perfect label size that will perfectly fit your garment.



The most important factor preventing woven labels edges to give a itchy feeling is how these labels are cut. Woven labels can be cut into two ways:

A -  Straight from the labels weaving machines (not good for smooth edges)

B -  Using a ultrasonic machine after the label weaving is done (best way to ensure a smooth finishing)

In many circumstances, in order to save time and costs, woven labels are cut directly from the weaving machine where there are already installed cutting tools. This cutting method does not guarantee smooth edges.

You can see from the image on the left that labels roll has just been weaved and is still uncut. In the second image the labels roll is immediately cut through the cutting tolls installed on the weaving machines.

However, if you want to make sure that the labels have soft and smooth edges you must use ultrasonic cutting in the production process. Woven labels are first weaved with the looming machines and the full labels roll is then loaded on a ultrasonic cutting machine like in the video shown below.



At Labeloom we use ultrasonic cutting for a lot of the labels we produce. You can order your labels online and through the online form you can also select whether you want to use standard cutting techniques or ultrasonic cutting for your labels.



July 06, 2021 — Gabriele Limonta